
Enrollment doors are now OPEN for the co-hort beginning September 2024

The exclusive 6-month coaching program designed for Christians who are at a crossroads or navigating challenging times and want to overcome personal roadblocks, reclaim their joy, and rewrite their story so they can co-create with Jesus on their compelling future.

(Because this cohort will be taught live, spots are limited)


What is Flourish?

Flourish is a transformational emotional and spiritual formation course. It is for anyone who is at a crossroads or experiencing a challenging time in their life and feels stuck, overwhelmed, and lacking clarity on their next steps. Instead of looking around you for answers this course guides you to look within, gaining deep insight into what really matters to you and how to pursue it with Jesus at the center of your life. It’s time to turn your current challenges into the stepping stones that lead to your compelling future.





The Flourish Program

  • A step-by-step roadmap that guides you to overcome personal roadblocks, reclaim your joy, and rewrite your story so you can co-create with Jesus on your compelling future.

  • We guide you through 9-core areas of your emotional and spiritual life over a 6 month period, taught live through weekly group coaching calls. These calls will be taught by Matt & Crystal (via Zoom).


Lifetime Access

  • You will receive lifetime access to the recorded sessions so you can revisit them as much as you like and engage more deeply with the material. You will also get access to all future versions of the program.

  • If you are unable to attend a particular live session for any reason, these recorded sessions ensure you always have access to the material and can view it at a time of your convenance.


Client Only Community Space

  • You will get access to our Private Facebook Group which connects you with other likeminded friends on the same journey where you can chat, engage, and get support on your road to transformation.

  • In addition to our weekly live coaching calls, we will also open up a weekly community support call (via Zoom) where we can interact live as a community, share breakthroughs, ask questions, and make lifelong friends.


Personalized Support & Accountability

  • We are in this together and committed to your transformation. If you have any questions as you engage with the material you can ask these directly to Matt & Crystal through the Private Facebook group or in the weekly live Community Support Calls.

  • Also, you will have an accountability tracker spreadsheet which follows the key milestones in the course to help you stay committed to your results.


Practical Workbook

  • To enrich this experience, you will receive a companion workbook with high-quality exercises and practical guides to assist you in applying the course material to your life.


Overview of Your Journey.



Module 1: The Journey Inward: Your Model of the World

  • Do you ever wonder why you do the things you do? In this module we dive deep into your personality type based on the Enneagram.

  • This module is like a masterclass on why you think, feel, and act the way you do, revealing your habitual patterns, core motivations, and ways of relating in the world.

  • It can be so liberating to know how you were uniquely created and what your core strengths and weaknesses are as you navigate life.


Module 2: Understanding Your Story: It Didn’t Begin With You

  • To understand where you are in life, you have to know where you’ve been.

  • In this module we engage the story of you, going back multiple generations (to your grandparents) and look for patterns that show up in your life.

  • When you realize that you inherited both gifts and brokenness from those who came before you, it opens a new window of compassion for yourself and frees you to forge a new path for your future and future generations.


Module 3: How You Form Bonds: Looking For Someone Looking For You

  • Do you often avoid getting too close to others as a way of protecting yourself? Or, do you find yourself on the other end of the spectrum, feeling anxious or worried that your relationships aren’t secure and that others may want to leave you? Or, maybe you find yourself somewhere in-between?

  • This is actually very common and it refers to our attachment style. In this module we explore the four attachment styles that are developed during the earliest years of life, depending on how you were (or were not) cared for as a child.

  • No matter the story that brought you to this moment, in this module we give you the tools to heal childhood wounds and begin cultivating secure and strong attachments.


Module 4: Coming Home to Your Body: Befriend Your Nervous System

  • Do you ever feel like your body is being hijacked and you don’t know why you are short with others, reactive, or just feel overwhelmed?

  • You are not alone. This happens when your nervous system becomes dysregulated and your body moves to “fight or flight.”

  • In this module we help you identify your stressors and how to establish a grounding practice to bring you back to center so that you can feel like yourself again.


 Module 5: Where you Live Emotionally: Your Center of Gravity

  • Nothing matters more to your quality of life than where you live emotionally. If you are depressed most of the time, then you will have a depressed life; if you are happy most of the time, then you will have a happy life.

  • In this module we dispel the myth that our emotions merely “happen to us” and show you the truth which is: we create our emotions based on what we choose to focus on and the meaning we give things.

  • We are not saying don’t experience negative emotions (they are a part of life), we are just saying you don’t have to live there. This module gives you the tools to shift where you live emotionally (your emotional home) and with it, your entire life.


Module 6: Understanding Your Humanity: Bless Your Desires

  • One aspect of our humanity is that we always find a way to meet our needs. Our needs are not bad; all our needs can be met in positive, neutral, or negative ways.

  • In this module we explore the 7 Internal Needs that all humans share and identify which two or three you value most.

  • When you know which needs are most important to you, you can identify positive ways to meet them. This is like unlocking a secret code to what fills you up.


Module 7: How to Be Still: Create Space and Walk at His Pace

  • We live in a culture that values busyness over everything else. In fact, when someone greets us and asks “How are you doing?” Most often we will reply “…busy” and feel good about our answer. The ironic part is, at the same time we say this we feel exhausted, run down, and deeply in need of a break.

  • What if culture has it wrong? …In this module we show you to how to get off the “treadmill” of culture and bring balance, peace, and rest back to your life through Christian contemplative practices.

  • Establishing a daily rhythm of contemplative practices is like a refreshing drink for your soul that enables you to be fully present to God, yourself, and others which is the starting place of discovering your purpose.


Module 8: Why You Get Up in The Morning: Living Out Your True Purpose

  • This is where it all comes together and you gain remarkable clarity on your true calling and purpose.

  • In this module we guide you through a series of exercises that reveal your reason for getting up in the morning—who you are uniquely called to be and how to pursue it right where you are.

  • This is where you re-ignite your spark and rediscover the passion that has been dormant inside of you.


 Module 9: Crafting A New Way of Life: Who You Are Becoming

  • When God calls you to something, it is always beyond what you think is possible. This is because God has a bigger perspective; He doesn’t just see who you are, but also… who you are becoming.

  • In this module, we help you craft a new Way of Life which is an intentional way of ordering your weeks, your months, and your years to grow into the person God has created you to be.

  • This allows you to stop wandering in the “wilderness of confusion” and finally move into the land that God has promised, because this is where you will produce fruit.


Get Started