Client Guidelines

On a business note, please familiarize yourself with our client guidelines regarding coaching sessions.


I am flexible if you need to reschedule your appointment but please do your best to provide at least 48 hours notice so that I can make the time slot available to others. There may be times when I am forced to reschedule as well, but I’ll let you know as far in advance as possible.


Sessions work best when you focus on what’s working and how your growing. There is certainly a safe place to process feelings and work through problems during sessions, but clients experience the best results when the overall focus of coaching is on forward motion. As a result of coaching, you make your own decisions; I offer observations, feedback, or processes for creating insight as they seem useful.


If I ever say or do something that upsets you or doesn’t feel right, please bring it to my attention so I can change it. It is my desire to create a safe and comfortable space where we both can come with confidence and trust, as this is critical for our coaching relationship to grow.


Our coaching relationship is completely confidential, within the limits of the law. I recognize that you may at times disclose future plans, business affairs, and personal and financial information. I will not at any time share this information with a third party. I will not divulge that we are in a coaching relationship without your permission. You, of course, are free to discuss your coaching with whomever you want. And, I do appreciate referrals.


Life coaching is about forward motion and involves guiding, encouraging, and helping the client to make progress toward their ultimate goals. The coaching relationship is in no way to be construed as psychological counseling or any type of therapy. In the event that you feel or I feel that it may be helpful to seek professional counseling or medical therapy, I will do my best to refer you to a licensed professional.

At all times, I provide my best efforts; however, coaching results are not guaranteed.

The client enters into coaching with the understanding that he/she is responsible for creating personal results.


The client waives and releases the coach from any claims that arise or result from the coach’s services.


The fee and method of payment will be discussed and decided upon at the time of agreement to work together.


I sometimes use material in a coaching relationship that Pursue What Matters, LLC has developed. This is considered proprietary information. It may not be replicated without written consent by the coach.


The sustainable benefits of coaching typically results from consistent action taken over time, therefore I strongly recommend that clients be willing to commit to a minimum of 3-6 months coaching process. One month’s notice would be appreciated whenever you feel complete with the coaching process. In the event of fees owed at the time of cancellation, full payment is due and payable.


In coaching, we abide by the Board Certified Coach Code of Ethics which can be found on our website at the following link: